In September Gina, Donna & John attended the Belyuen Community Family Day professionally organised by Dave Ferguson from the Belyuen Council and the Ironbark Team. There were plenty of informational pop-up booths such as the Resilience and Engagement Command Team, TEABBA, Life Without Barriers, Top End Women's Legal Services, and the Community Allied Health Team.
It was great to see - Deadly Thinking - for Rural & Remote Mental Health there too who offer workshops that address social & emotional wellbeing issues in a safe & culturally appropriate way!
Bunnings also had a fun children's activity station that brought out creativity in the young ones, Face painting. Hoops for Health were there for the more energetic and Ironbark provided a fair dinkum delicious BBQ lunch. The night rolled on with some great bands and dancing. The TEABBA Team are all Looking forward to next year!