If you have or are intending to get your important sponsorship message on real radio frequencies into the 29 remote Indigenous communities within the TEABBA broadcast footprint Network, either Local, and or combined National Campaigns. TEABBA can offer great sponsorship rates or package deals including regular client discount rates, to get your important messages to the Remote Indigenous Communities of the Top End. Online sponsorship and sponsorships within an individual show or shows are available for negotiation across Breakfast, Morning, Afternoon, and Drive-time (BMAD). Once completed, you will receive a signed proof of broadcast document from a TEABBA Marketing Representative contact us
If you have or are intending to get your important sponsorship message on real radio frequencies into the 29 remote Indigenous communities within the TEABBA broadcast footprint Network, either Local, and or combined National Campaigns. TEABBA can offer great advertisement or package deal including regular client discounts rates, to get your important messages to the Remote Indigenous Communities of the Top End. Online sponsorship and sponsorship within an individual show or shows are available for negotiation across Breakfast, Morning, Afternoon, and Drive-time (BMAD). Once completed, you will receive a signed proof of broadcast document from a TEABBA Marketing Representative. Confirming that your allocated spots went “live to Air”. Contact our Marketing Representative today lee.hewitt@teabba.com.au
or phone (08)89390406.