TEABBA can assist with translation for audio productions, suitable for radio, voice overs and other production, Local and Federal Government messages, Health, Housing, Financial, and Education etc. Private enterprises can also take advantage of these translation services. Various languages that TEABBA utilizes regularly and are commonly requested are:
- Kriol, Murinpatha (Wadeye region)
- Yolgnu Matha (East Arnhem region)
- Gurindji (Yarralin and Daruragu region)
- Tiwi (Tiwi Islands)
- Kunwinjku (Gunbulunya)
- Barrada (Maningrida)
Other language groups are available, but can be quite difficult to get and would need more time to arrange. For example, Yurruwi around Milingimbi region, Anindilyakwa on Groote Eylandt, Djambarrpuyngu for Ramingining region, etc. TEABBA can also put you in touch with suitable contacts if the booking schedule is full or we are unable to provide the requested service within your timeframe. Contact 08 89 390 406
or email
for more information.